As a Brit, most years I have mixed feelings about the 4thof July. But this holiday, I want to take a stand for patriotism. I want each person on this planet to pledge deliberate patriotism.
For whatever country you align with, pay attention to what is happening in your area, your country, the world.
For whatever country you align with, put in your two cents’ worth of opinion.
You may end up unpopular, but we are no longer in high school.
For whatever country you align with, stand up for the highest values in your nation.
Even if that means respecting the right of a citizen taking a knee.
For whatever country you align with, tell someone what you love about your country.
For whatever country you align with, promise to learn about the country’s cultures.
Try a new food, a dance, a word of greeting.
Worship with someone from a different faith.
Attempt to see a dissimilar point of view.
For whatever country you align with, fight with all your strength for truth.
Dig it out. Dig deep.
Ask for information.
Start a dialogue.
In whatever country you align with, make your corner just that little bit kinder, truer, inclusive with your actions and your voice.
Patriotism does not happen one day each year and waving a flag doesn’t make you a patriot – patriotism is the continual struggle for what are the highest virtues of your country.
However uncomfortable, what are you willing to do?
Very well said. Thank you for reminding us to listen.
It is not an easy task – listening. Big hug!