Stories & Poems & Thoughts (Oh My)

Writing A Love Story

Back at writing group, the consensus changed. I could write a love story but only one love story – my personal love story. “You are lyrical when you write ...
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Love, My Truth

After spending most of my Thanksgiving weekend writing, I took my story to writing group. “So what do you think?” I asked. There was a heavy silence that said, ...
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I Write Therefore I Am … Not

A friend called to say, “I had a marketing person check out your website. Is that okay?” “Sure. I guess,” I said. “She’ll just poke around and send some ...
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Mollusk Time

People tell me “Timing is everything.” And they are right. Timing cannot be overemphasized – lack of timing or bad timing can get you into trouble. Errant timing jumpstarts dilemmas ...
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Who you calling slack?

At 8:16 am today, I plunked down in a seat at the coffee shop. I plunked so hard my butt bounced. My friend snickered while looking a little bleary-eyed. “So ...
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Bruised Soles

“Never underestimate your readers.” How many times had I been told this by all genres of writers? Then a few years back, at least three houses ago, I had a ...
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Use Your Words

Innocently enough, a friend asked if I wanted to hear some bluegrass music. My response was, “Bad bluegrass sounds like a cat being run over by a lawn mower.” “My, ...
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Literary Beatings

Last week I was ready for a fight. A tussle. I put up my dukes but not a soul stepped into the ring. My mood was foul. My body hurtled ...
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Minimizing Writing Injuries

I had a meltdown the other day. You know how you can feel totally insecure and want to throw in the towel? I am not good enough, smart enough, nor ...
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