Crowded out by the frightening daily briefings on COVID 19, you may not see Spring’s flowering on our planet.
- A person donated N95 masks to healthcare workers in the DFW area when they heard their hospital was having to reuse masks
- A woman sent a box of hairnets to employees in a hospital
- A patron donated $500 to his favorite coffee shop for employee salaries
- A restaurant owner continues to pay a portion of their undocumented employees’ salaries
- A friend made 250 masks and is sending them out to friends
- A man donated $2000 to a local food bank and another $2000 to a food bank in another city
- A restaurant owner cleaned out her walk-in refrigerator to create care packages for her employees
- A woman has volunteered to take her friend’s animals if she gets sick
- A patient started a GoFundMe campaign for her physician’s office after it didn’t get a CARES loan
These acts are not tied to political or religious affiliations—they are the flowering of generous and kind hearts.
Every one of these people deserve credit for helping repair the world.
It’s like planting a seed—you may not see the germination for a long time, you may forget where you planted it, but one day, the seed will push through the earth and flower.
And maybe you will never see the flowering.
But our job remains the same—plant the seed.