Bruised Soles

“Never underestimate your readers.” How many times had I been told this by all genres of writers? Then a few years back, at least three houses ago, I had a shoe-hurling experience where I decided the saying needed a corollary. To see if I could do it, I would write erotic short stories: the kind […]

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Use Your Words

Innocently enough, a friend asked if I wanted to hear some bluegrass music. My response was, “Bad bluegrass sounds like a cat being run over by a lawn mower.” “My, aren’t you the princess of snark?” the friend said. At which point, I took offense. Snatching my coffee, I moved to another area of the coffee […]

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Literary Beatings

Last week I was ready for a fight. A tussle. I put up my dukes but not a soul stepped into the ring. My mood was foul. My body hurtled through the world giving off the vibe: I am a rebel without a cause. AT&T, Verizon, Gmail, Yahoo, and FaceBook failed to deliver my phone […]

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Minimizing Writing Injuries

I had a meltdown the other day. You know how you can feel totally insecure and want to throw in the towel? I am not good enough, smart enough, nor skilled enough. Writing is just too hard. On the day of the meltdown, I had received three rejection letters from different literary competitions. I was […]

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