Speed Dating for Literary Agents

Two weekends ago, through a fog of not-yet diagnosed bacterial pneumonia, I went to my first writers’ conference pitch session. Think about speed dating in hell with a lot more at stake, maybe 3 plus years of work on a particular project. The gun goes off. The pitchees were led upstairs, trying not to look […]

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Fear as the Dark Mother of Moving

Yes, I am moving to Texas – the land of big hair and blue eyeshadow. I know, I know. But it’s my fear after spending ten of my formative years in Alabama feeling under made-up and under poufy-haired. I keep thinking about fear, fear of moving, fear of my friends forgetting me, fear of loneliness […]

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Live Nude Art

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”     – Andy Warhol I know you are wondering what I am doing. In my most honest moments, I wonder too. The […]

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Writing A Love Story

Back at writing group, the consensus changed. I could write a love story but only one love story – my personal love story. “You are lyrical when you write about loving Rod,” said one group member. “It flows,” said another. “This book isn’t Rod’s story,” I said. They looked from one to another. I could […]

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