Half Waxed

Over a decade ago, swayed by peer pressure, I tried bikini waxing for the first time. My friend warned me to go to a salon for the service. Being cheap and overestimating my smarts, I thought I would try it at home. “Do you think that’s wise?” she said. “Can’t be that difficult. They sell […]

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Garlands of Daisies (55 word story)

“I made garlands of yellow posies in childhood. All too soon, my mother took me to buy my first bra.   Slyly that night, with tiny, skillful stitches, she altered it. The next day, I decorated my sprouting breasts with embroidered daisies. Nowadays, I grow luscious gardens of multicolored flowers in the loam of my body.” […]

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Live Nude Art

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”     – Andy Warhol I know you are wondering what I am doing. In my most honest moments, I wonder too. The […]

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Elegant Feet: A Story for You

“I have been told that I have elegant feet,” he said picking her up for their third date. She had swallowed, tantalized, thinking about those feet. The imagined feet plagued her through the entire night – while he was driving the car, scrounging through the CD store, eating at the upscale restaurant, while playing word […]

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