Yoga, Cows, and A Texan

Saturday I had an urge, an almost unable-to-resist urge, to run someone down using a Ford Focus … The car had a few dents, and I had a fleeting thought of “What the Hell.” It’s been a trying week. We rolled into Frisco, a small Cowtown outside of Dallas, last Tuesday night at 10 pm. […]

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An Epidemic of Entitlement

On good days, I think the world is in transition. On most days, the world is cultivating an epidemic of entitlement.  Today I put away my handicapped parking placard. I have had one for a year. The placard swung from my rear view mirror through surgeries, non-anesthetized debridements, surgical shoes, surgical boots, 6 different antibiotics, and 7 different […]

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Weird Times

I’m at this really weird time in my life – mid 50s where I am working as hard as possible but seeing opportunities land elsewhere. In younger people’s laps. My friends are talking about retiring, counting down the days, and planning their last great adventure. About five years ago, I realized I would be working […]

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"Lululemon-Wearing Yoga … "

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on a bar stool drinking a lovely cheap Chardonnay waiting for my friends to arrive. The three of us had survived yoga teacher training together. Getting up at the ungodly hour of 5:45 to make a 7am three-hour yoga class one hated Sunday each month. Yogis emoting […]

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Throwing Down the Gauntlet

My body has thrown down the gauntlet. My thighs, hips and tummy are challenging me to grow up. I am fighting it the entire way. I am pretty lucky. Through my teens and twenties, when I gained weight, the fat cells, like little mounds of dimpled orange skin, distributed themselves evenly over my body. I […]

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