Category: parenting
An Early Adopter: Contraception in 1980
Reproductive freedom, parenting, and the medical community in the 1980s – a funny and true story. […]
Teething: Fractured Grief
I restarted grinding my teeth at night. Like I did after Rod died. For years until my dentist started talking to me about a bite guard. A bite guard! I had visions of pimples and acne cream and headgear out of an 80s John Hughes movie. But it wasn’t until years later that I took […]
Sheep, Stepfamilies, and The Brady Bunch
Last night, I was flipping through the channels and saw an advert for the TV series, The Brady Bunch. The last time that I thought about the show was when a group of therapists was kvetching about stepfamilies. Someone brought up The Brady Bunch, and every one of us groaned, which soon became a throw-darts-at, […]