Live Nude Art

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”     – Andy Warhol I know you are wondering what I am doing. In my most honest moments, I wonder too. The […]

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Mumu's Away

One day when I was 45, wearing an expensive equivalent of a Mumu (a linen sack minus the pineapples and war canoes), I went back to therapy. I said, “Help me make a graceful transition into middle age.” (Okay, so I was running a little late.) He looked at me like I had grown a […]

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Writer's Storm

“You will hear thunder and remember me, And think: she wanted storms … “ (The opening words of “You Will Hear Thunder” by Anna Akhmatova) Two events have me wondering about my writer’s soul. I am creating a working definition based upon the importance of truthful observation and expression in all its shades of black […]

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