Coursera: The Coffee Clutch

I signed up for a course on Plot in Fiction through Coursera and can’t figure out how to post my assignments. Running up against many web walls, I decided to post them on my website. Remember, this is fiction, made-up, not true. My nasty little trolls (Jennifer G., Richard A., and Susie S.) can make […]

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Sheep, Stepfamilies, and The Brady Bunch

Last night, I was flipping through the channels and saw an advert for the TV series, The Brady Bunch. The last time that I thought about the show was when a group of therapists was kvetching about stepfamilies. Someone brought up The Brady Bunch, and every one of us groaned, which soon became a throw-darts-at, […]

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An Imperfect Mother

Most of my readers know about my ambivalent relationship with my mother. She was so many things – ill, sad, and abusive, but also independent, feisty, and in her very peculiar way – loving. When the memories of her other characteristics threaten to make her unredeemable, I remember this story. She could see things that […]

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