Friends in Chicken, Forever
How do we change from the goofy crazy woman to the stressed and serious woman? I don’t think we should but we need our friends for support. […]
How do we change from the goofy crazy woman to the stressed and serious woman? I don’t think we should but we need our friends for support. […]
Yes, I am moving to Texas – the land of big hair and blue eyeshadow. I know, I know. But it’s my fear after spending ten of my formative years in Alabama feeling under made-up and under poufy-haired. I keep thinking about fear, fear of moving, fear of my friends forgetting me, fear of loneliness […]
I’ve had a two-year run of bad luck. Not horrific big bad luck but the kind of luck that wears away at you. I am the pebble in the middle of the roaring river eroding away into a mass of crankiness. First there is my damnable car. Never ever buy a Fiat. Italian design does […]
After the year of surgeries, as I refer to 2015, I am aware from toes to fingertips of the importance of friends. They shuttle you to doctors’ offices, listen to your medication-invoked ramblings, get the tissues for you after one more painful procedure, and feed you. But I these memories are too close for me […]
I miss the Fish-Fucker. Twenty years after his death, I don’t think of him every day or even every month. But now and then, when my face is half-turned or my body settles into the space between breaths, the death pause, I hear his laughter and expect to see his large green eyes crinkling at […]