"Now?" "No not yet."

When anyone asks me to describe my childhood, I have a stock answer. “We had a childhood written by Stephen King starring Cruella DeVille and Captain Ahab.” That usually shuts them up. It’s painful when you don’t have the All-American-Family portrayed by Norman Rockwell. I have the European-Holocaust-AbsentShipCaptain-family portrayed by Bosch and Dali. My dislike […]

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Garlands of Daisies (55 word story)

“I made garlands of yellow posies in childhood. All too soon, my mother took me to buy my first bra.   Slyly that night, with tiny, skillful stitches, she altered it. The next day, I decorated my sprouting breasts with embroidered daisies. Nowadays, I grow luscious gardens of multicolored flowers in the loam of my body.” […]

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