Killing Me Softly

People ask what prompted me to write a 430-page novel where I kill off the protagonist, the antagonist, the villain, many secondary characters, and a big ol’ list of walk-ons. Over and over again. Well, to answer the question, I have had the kind of experiences that prompted me to write that novel – a […]

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20 Pounds or Happiness

Everybody is exquisite. Truly, stunningly beautiful. I keep learning one concept over and over again. As a counselor, a yoga teacher, a massage therapist, a writer, and in my own life. This week, I am collaborating to combine story with photographs. Sunday afternoon at Barnes and Noble, I was sitting with the photographer discussing our […]

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Love Without Words

Sometimes words are unnecessary. Such a weird thing for a writer to say. Coming up on Valentine’s Day, I want to remember what it is to be in love, astoundingly, courageously, heart in my mouth, love. When I started thinking about this post, a series of images took flower in my heart, bittersweet, opening my […]

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