Speed Dating for Literary Agents

Two weekends ago, through a fog of not-yet diagnosed bacterial pneumonia, I went to my first writers’ conference pitch session. Think about speed dating in hell with a lot more at stake, maybe 3 plus years of work on a particular project. The gun goes off. The pitchees were led upstairs, trying not to look […]

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Who you calling slack?

At 8:16 am today, I plunked down in a seat at the coffee shop. I plunked so hard my butt bounced. My friend snickered while looking a little bleary-eyed. “So what did you do last night?” he asked. “I ate candy and watched an episode of the BBC’s Pride and Prejudice. I was really interested […]

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Minimizing Writing Injuries

I had a meltdown the other day. You know how you can feel totally insecure and want to throw in the towel? I am not good enough, smart enough, nor skilled enough. Writing is just too hard. On the day of the meltdown, I had received three rejection letters from different literary competitions. I was […]

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