Killing Me Softly

People ask what prompted me to write a 430-page novel where I kill off the protagonist, the antagonist, the villain, many secondary characters, and a big ol’ list of walk-ons. Over and over again. Well, to answer the question, I have had the kind of experiences that prompted me to write that novel – a […]

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Bad Hair Days

I’ve had a two-year run of bad luck. Not horrific big bad luck but the kind of luck that wears away at you. I am the pebble in the middle of the roaring river eroding away into a mass of crankiness. First there is my damnable car. Never ever buy a Fiat. Italian design does […]

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Writing A Love Story

Back at writing group, the consensus changed. I could write a love story but only one love story – my personal love story. “You are lyrical when you write about loving Rod,” said one group member. “It flows,” said another. “This book isn’t Rod’s story,” I said. They looked from one to another. I could […]

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Minimizing Writing Injuries

I had a meltdown the other day. You know how you can feel totally insecure and want to throw in the towel? I am not good enough, smart enough, nor skilled enough. Writing is just too hard. On the day of the meltdown, I had received three rejection letters from different literary competitions. I was […]

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