About:Trudi Young Taylor
Posts by Trudi Young Taylor :

A Pharmacy Nightmare: 1980s Contraception
The 1980s was the time before privacy laws and barriers to semi-shield you in your discussions with the pharmacist.
I inched closer to her side.
“Mama?” I said.
“You’re a big girl now. Get in line and drop off your prescriptions.” […]

An Early Adopter: Contraception in 1980
Reproductive freedom, parenting, and the medical community in the 1980s – a funny and true story. […]

Planes, Trains, and Buses: Odyssey to Humility
It’s the new year, and off I went to see my sister in Chicago. I thought things were off to an auspicious start. I was PRE-TSA checked. But still, they unpacked my carry-on, waded through my underwear, and looked at me with a slatted eye. People watched and snickered as I repacked the bright blue […]

A Friend's Story: When You Tell
A friend asked me to tell her story – how sexual harassment in graduate school continues to narrow her options decades later. […]